Thursday, January 26, 2017

Everyone Gets a Trophy.....

Everyday I become more and more disheartened by the backlash from those that I know who vehemently show their hatred for Donald Trump.  There are some from my generation,  but I cannot help but notice it is coming more from the 20 to 30 something year olds.  You know the ones, those who have only been voting for a couple or three years.  Some who don’t even vote, either because they don’t have voting privileges or because they have “better” things to do.  I call this generation the “Everyone gets a trophy Generation.”  I keep asking myself, where is all this anger and bitterness coming from?   Why are these young adults turning into rude, nasty mouth, vulgar posters on Facebook?  Then I realized what it was.  Some of us have raised our children to believe they are entitled to win, no matter what.  They want their trophy!  So when that ‘trophy’ was not presented to them, they took to the streets and stomped and screamed.  They broke their toys and the toys of hard working people.  Can you blame them? That is all they know…. they are supposed to get whatever they think it is they want.  Far be it from them to think they need to listen to reason!  Why in the world would they listen to the advice of those who have lived through more than 1 or 2 Presidents????  They see things as black and white.  They didn’t get their Pot loving guy in the office, the old dude who spent months brainwashing all of those who cannot think for themselves that if he doesn’t win the nomination, they should just pick up their toys and go home…and not bother voting.  But the unthinkable happened….the man that Madonna or Stephen Colbert told them was evil, Hitler reincarnated, actually won the election.  Now, for the first time in their entitled lives they want to stomp their feet and start crying.  They do not want the Electoral Votes to count any longer.  It doesn’t matter that this was decided long ago, before their whiney little butts were even thought of by our founding fathers.  They realized on November 3, when they woke up that they could do nothing about it.  This infuriated them; they are supposed to get whatever they want.  It didn’t matter that the last President caused more racial divide in the 8 years that he was President than any other President, it didn’t matter that he pardoned a criminal who betrayed our Country and put the lives of many of our dedicated service men and women in danger, it didn’t matter that he forced them to sign up for healthcare even though they didn’t want it, he was our first Black President and that was all that mattered to them.  Now before I cause a lot of butt hurt to some that I love, if you do not fit this profile, then you won’t be offended.  And if you are, then you are just going to have to go to your room and stew for a while.  You may even have to realize that if you want changes in the years to come, you had better get out there and work your butt off and advocate for those changes.  Just because mommy and daddy gave in to your every whim does not mean you are going to get your way every time.  I am going to repeat something that one of my favorite Packers said to his team and fans…RELAX.