Sunday, May 31, 2015


Everyone has their own definition of what friends are.  I recently read one person's definition;

"Friends will come and go in your life, but more important than how long a friendship lasts, is that a good friend will love you for who you are. The way you can tell the sign of a good friend is by looking at the actions they take –big and small – that show they care."

I agree with one thing, a real friend will love you for who you are.  But that goes both ways.  If you want others to accept you for who you are, you must be willing to do the same.  You cannot walk away and close the door on a friendship because your friend said something you did not like, or did something you did not like.  Real friends do not sit around and nitpick every little thing they do not like about someone or those they love.  A real friend does not use Facebook to post self-righteous posts about others constantly trying to make themselves feel better or justified in their actions.

A real friend cannot think they can say whatever they want to someone, and express what bothers them and yet becomes extremely offended when the tables are turned.  If you are going to be blatant enough to go after someone and their husband, kids, etc., be prepared for it to come back at you.  A real friend does not throw friends under the bus.  For example, you can criticize others behind their backs but when your "friend" agrees with you or puts their input you suddenly turn on them.  That is NOT a friend.

A real friend (a good person) accepts some of the responsibility when things go wrong, and does not pretend like they are completely innocent or without blame.  A real friend will accept an apology when it is given and does not allow their pride and anger to keep adding fuel to the fire.

See, there are many definitions to what a real friend are.  You can continue plastering your Facebook with as many repost as you can find, you can send people private messages, and make phone calls to try your best to convince everyone that you are the victim, but it will never take care of what the real problem is, and that is all that you are hiding and denying.  Someone does Love you, and has done more over the years to prove that by trying to help you only to be crushed time after time.  

Do you want to be happy?  You will never be happy if you continue down the path you are going.  You continue to let your pride and your bitterness to consume you.  You are going to look back one day and regret it, when it is too late.  Don't wait until you are out of opportunities to make things right, especially with yourself.

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