Friday, September 4, 2015

What Would Jesus Do?

This latest controversy in the news involving Kim Davis, the County Clerk who refused to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple has stirred some emotions within me.  There was a time I would have just hailed someone like her as a hero and a true “Christian” for standing up for her convictions.  Thank God, literally that he has softened my heart and opened my eyes up to what real Christianity is truly about.

I admire those who have strong beliefs, I have some myself and I think we all do.  I think a person should stand up for what they believe in, to a certain extent.  When you have been hired to perform certain services, you need to be willing to abide to those services to the best of your ability.  The one thing I have learned during my education towards my degree in Human Services is that you cannot allow your personal bias to interfere with your obligation to help all people in need, regardless of their sex, religious views, or even their lifestyle. 

I have heard people say they would quit their job before they would serve those who live a certain lifestyle, and that is certainly their prerogative.  What is not acceptable though, is expecting to keep a job when you do not do the job that you are expecting to be paid for.  Hailing someone a hero for defying his or her superiors is misguided.  She claims she was doing this to stand up for her beliefs and yet she would certainly be offended if an establishment refused her service because of her holiness appearance. 

This is where so-called Christians leave me disheartened.  Do they not understand that God knows their heart?  Just because you do your job and issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, does not mean you are agreeing with their lifestyle.  Do they not understand that God will not condemn them for showing unconditional love to others, even if they are different from themselves?  Just imagine what that couple would have thought if they see this obviously holiness woman be kind to them and just give them a warm smile?  Her refusal to serve them just makes her seem prejudice and unkind.  Is that truly the message that Christians want to give to others? 

My life has become so much happier since I have opened my heart up to accept everyone for who they are.  I do not have to agree with everyone’s lifestyle to love them, and I try to leave each person I come into contact with a feeling of importance and respect.  Some will say I am just compromising, but I like to think of it as putting the “human” in human services.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just imagine if some of those message people had their own sins projected on a huge screen in front of their church, I bet they would not be so quick to judge other, oh they say its not judging but we all know it is.

  3. I was involved in a similar situation a few years ago which went like this; I worked for a newspaper that was scheduled to publish a private edition for the gay and lesbian community on a certain day. Not wanting to be a part of this because of my beliefs, I informed my employer that I was tendering my resignation and would not report to work on that day. My employer respected my decision and found something else for me to work on that had nothing to do with the special publication they were publishing.

    Our Bible tells us that God has ordained our Governments to have the rule over us and we should "give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's". If our beliefs conflict with what our Government is ordering us to do, then we should remove ourselves from whatever position we are employed to do for that Government.

    This person who is being reported on went against one word of God concerning the Government that God has put over us, in order to stand up for what she believes was the right thing to do as a Christian.

    In my opinion, this person should have submitted her resignation as an elected official of the Government, which would serve as a real example of upholding her beliefs and putting everything on the line, instead of refusing to do what her ordained by God Government instructed her to do.

  4. This was exactly my point. Instead of just resigning quietly she wanted to make a spectacle of herself thereby tarnishing the christian name. The so-called christians such as the 'message people' are hailing her as a hero by plastering on their Facebook pages what a 'hero' she is for standing for her convictions but what they failed to explain is how this saintly woman has been issuing marriage licenses to those who have been married multiple times before (isn't that against their beliefs?) I guess since she is a member of the several times married club she felt it was justified. That is the epitome of a hypocrite and that is what I was trying to convey. It's fine to have beliefs and to even stand by them, but you cannot pick and choose which convictions you wish to stand by when it is convenient for you. She has turned herself into a fame whore.

  5. I watched the press conference today of Kim's release from jail and it made me so sad. Such a sad state Christianity has come to in these times. People are not turning away from Christianity in droves due to their want to be sinful but due to the fact that the face of Christianity is this type of Christian. These mean, selfish, sadistic, condescending, judgmental Christians who show the world "look how much better am I than you" instead of "look at how much never ending love I can give the world, in the same way Jesus Christ did". I just don't understand where things went so off course, when did Christianity become this mean bully? I look at a few relatives in my life who have truly enveloped themselves in this hate filled new form of Christianity. She sits in her home all day allowing her heart to be hardened further and further with hate for family, hatred for society, even a hatred for her own children and herself. She reminds me a lot of Kim Davis, hiding behind her religion as a veil for her very apparent dislike of the world and of her inner self. These people need to get their life right with God.

    Tara Steward

  6. I watched the press conference too and had some of the same sentiments. I used to like Mike Huckabee but watching him use this woman for his own political agenda is truly disheartening. According to the ministry I was part of women are supposed to be humble and quiet and this woman is soaking up every bit of media attention like a sponge. She truly makes a mockery out of what true christianity should represent. People want to say she is standing up for her convictions but I still want to know how many marriage licenses she issued to couples who have been divorced. She wouldn't give up her job because she was making $80,000 a year and now she will be on every talk show that will offer her a buck, I guarantee it. I recall Michelle Duggar. From her first ever show to her last you will see the transformation from this plain simple quiet woman to the talkative, very made up woman. The same thing will happen to this woman, just stay tuned. If going to heaven means you have to treat others as if they are lower than you, while you hide all your sins behind closed doors, I will take my chances by being open, honest, and loving everyone for who they are, and leave the judging to God. Truly God help those who have allowed Satan to believe they are the holy ones.

  7. It really disturbed me when they continue to push their interpretation of what happened to this woman down the throats of everyone. They do this by saying the judge put her in jail because she was a christian and that is not true. those who continue to repeat that are either liars, knowing it is not true, or closed minded people who can't see it for what it was.

    This woman chose to go to jail because she chose not to do her job that she took an oath to fulfill.

    This whole fiasco is a joke. About as much a joke as Huckabee was when he stated that he would go to jail for her. He knows it couldn't work that way. He is just as much a phony as most other preachers are. If he had have been a God called preacher, he would still be preaching instead of fulfilling his desire to be a celebrity figure. Gods real preachers who have been called, prepared and sent to preach don't just quit the ministry.


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